Current News & Publications

An Update from Newman Francis

How do we support residents?

Our role is to provide independent & impartial advice and support to all Avenue Road residents including leaseholders, to ensure that you are aware of how the regeneration of the estate will impact you and your families.  Regeneration is a long and complex process and our job is to make sure that residents understand what is going on.  On Avenue Road we are working with the community to make sure you are informed about the regeneration, can get involved if you want to and play a part in influencing the proposals to regenerate the estate.

What have we done so far?

Over the past few months, we have been talking to lots of Avenue Road residents.  We’ve carried out a short community survey to find out your thoughts about where you live and what really matters to you.  We have so far spoken with over 50% of households on the estate.   During February we ran a series of workshops around the ‘Residents’ Regeneration Journey’.   

What have residents on Avenue Road told us?

  • Avenue Road residents have been telling us what is most important for you:
  • A safer and secure living environment
  • Better housing management & maintenance
  • Good quality homes that are cheap to live in and look after
  • Properly managed parking facilities
  • Quality open spaces and private outdoor space
  • Good quality play facilities for young children and toddlers
  • Activities for young people/teenagers
  • Good local facilities and a place for the community to come together

Most residents have told us that they are looking forward to change and want regeneration to happen.  Our role is to ensure that when change happens it is the right kind of change to meet the needs of local people and that the community gets the best possible outcomes from the regeneration of Avenue Road.

What will we be doing next?

Over the next few months, we will be running more workshops for Avenue Road residents.  We want to make sure that residents understand the idea of Landlord Offer as well as the Resident Ballot, (when residents will be voting on the Landlord Offer), which is due to happen towards the end of this year.  

These are some of the resident workshops which will be taking place over the next few months:   

  • The Residents’ Regeneration Journey
  • Understanding Design and Architecture
  • What’s in the Landlord Offer?
  • Understanding the Resident Ballot
  • Residents’ Rights and Re-housing Options (for tenants and leaseholders)

As well as running a series of resident workshops we will also set up a WhatsApp group so that you can keep updated with the latest news about the regeneration.  We will also put out a quarterly newsletter.

So how will residents influence what happens?

We are setting up a Residents’ Project Group, made up of residents who will meet with the Council on a regular basis to discuss the regeneration.  The Residents’ Project Group will play an important part in ensuring that the Council are aware of residents’ views and any concerns and make sure that the community are involved in influencing any decisions made about the regeneration.  The first Resident Project Group meeting will take place over Zoom on Wednesday 24 June, 4.30pm to 6pm.

How are we working during Covid-19?

Please note that until further notice, for the safety of residents, staff, and their families, unfortunately, we will be unable to carry out any outreach activities or door knocking on the estate following government advice regarding COVID-19.  

This means that for the time being the resident workshops will take place over Zoom.  We’ll make sure that residents without access to the internet will be able to join in as well.

We are continuing to provide a phone and email service, so if you have any questions or queries about the regeneration then please get in touch.

How to get in touch with us?

If you have any questions, are interested in getting involved as part of the Residents’ Project Group, or would like to complete the community survey, please call us on 0800 644 6040 (freephone) or email for more information.

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EqIA (Equality Impact Assessment)

Click the PDF link below to view the full EqIA (Equality Impact Assessment). Please contact Martin King via email should you have any further questions:


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